The Correlation of Green Human Resource Management (GHRM) and Organizational Excellence in a Vacation Rental Company (VRC)
green human resource management (GHRM), green recruitment and selection, green training, green rewards, green performance evaluation, organizational excellence, leadership excellence, subordinate excellence, culture excellence, strategic excellence, vacation rental company (VRC)Abstract
This study aimed to analyze the correlation between green human resource management (GHRM) and organizational excellence through a postpositivist worldview. Respondents covered were employees of a Vacation Rental Company (VRC) with at least six months experience within the organization. GHRM Scale by Malik, Hayat Mughal, Azam, Cao, Wan, Zhu, and Thurasamy (2021) and Organizational Excellence Scale by Shakhour, Obeidat, Jaradat, and Alshurideh (2021) were used for the online survey. Thirty-five (35) eligible respondents have participated. Mean, standard deviation, and Spearman rank correlation coefficient were employed. Results showed that GHRM was displayed in the VRC to a rather high degree, while organizational excellence was exhibited to a high degree. There was a linear, positive, and significant correlation between GHRM and organizational excellence. Each aspect of the organizational excellence was positively and significantly correlated with GHRM.
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