About the Journal

The Bedan Research Journal (BERJ) publishes empirical, theoretical, and policy-oriented researches on various field of studies such as arts, business, economics, humanities, health, law, management, politics, psychology, sociology, theology, and technology for the advancement of knowledge and promote the common good of humanity and society towards a sustainable future.

The BERJ also aims to reach scholars, students, policy-makers, and other researchers from various fields to use the information published in each of the BERJ issue and/or contribute relevant scholarly work that are worth publishing.

BERJ is a double-blind peer-reviewed multidisciplinary international journal published once a year, in April, both online and printed versions. It is listed in the Andrew Gonzalez Philippine Citation Index (AGCPI) as full member. Journals indexed in AGPCI are recognized for their commitment in upholding the scholarly quality and standards of their publication.

Copyright and Access

in open access Creative Commons Attribution-Noncommercial NDerivatives 4.0
Publication fees: none
Submission fees: none
Review process: double-blind peer review
Average time between submission and publication: 24 weeks
Archiving: PKP Preservation Network