Correlation of Spiritual Care and Quality of Life among Institutionalized Older People


  • Walter Jerome Cabale
  • Margarette Cayetano


Elderly, Older People, Quality of Life, Spiritual Care


Ensuring that Older People have good quality of life is one of the major goals of any caregiver. Caregivers, which includes nurses, must be holistic in their provision of care to meet such a goal. Since one of the dimensions of quality of life is spirituality, these researchers sought to describe if any relationship exists between the caregivers’ spiritual care practices and the quality of life of the older people in their care. Institutionalized older people were surveyed using the Nurse Spiritual Care Therapeutics scale and WHO Quality of Life for Filipino Older People to measure the spiritual care practices of caregivers and the quality of life of Older People, respectively. Results show no significant relationship between the two variables, which may be due to the fact that quality of life is composed of several dimensions, in which spirituality is only one, and is multi-factorial in nature; suggesting that quality of life is influenced by several factors and how these factors interplay ultimately determine the quality of life of Older People. The researchers recommend that a mixed-method approach be used to further understand the lack of direct relationship between the two variables.


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How to Cite

Cabale, W. J., & Cayetano, M. (2019). Correlation of Spiritual Care and Quality of Life among Institutionalized Older People. Bedan Research Journal, 4(1), 161–175.


