Decent Work Practices Incorporated in the Collective Bargaining Agreements of Unionized Firms
decent work practices, collective bargaining agreements, unions, labor standards, sustainable development goalsAbstract
We investigated the decent work practices related to employment at work, rights at work, social protection, and social dialogue incorporated in the Collective Bargaining Agreements (CBAs) of unionized firms. We analyzed qualitatively the various provisions of each of the 20 CBAs of unionized firms from diverse industries in the Philippines that come from manufacturing, hotels, resorts, health, education, telecommunication, and public utilities. Findings revealed that the CBAs' provisions articulate many significant provisions on decent work practices. Specifically, the employment-at-work provisions revealed 14 main themes related to benefits, employee classification, wages, work hours, and opportunities for advancement. Eight key themes were identified on rights at work provisions: employee development, protection against discrimination, safeguards against company closure, sale, lease, transfer, or merger, protection against lay-offs and retrenchment, shared social responsibility, and the ban on labor contracting. On social protection provisions, twelve main themes emerged: maternity benefits, other social security benefits, job security, extended financial assistance and loan benefits, and medical/health care incentive programs. On social dialogue provisions, 11 main themes evolved about union-management communication, acknowledging the current labor union as the sole bargaining representative, the institution of grievance machinery, the union's right to information and consultation, as well as the presence of the Labor-Management Committee. The overall results underscored the important role of the union through its collective bargaining power in ensuring that decent work thrives in the workplace. We recommend implementing the “one union one industry policy” as stipulated in the Labor Code; strengthening the conceptual, technical, and behavioral skills of the union leaders; treating unions as social partners; and undertaking research studies that can benefit both the union and management during their CBA negotiations. These efforts can open more opportunities for unions and those workers covered by CBAs to actualize the ILO conventions of guaranteeing decent work that will transform people and organizations toward a sustainable mindset that includes justice, peace, and equality for the common good of the future generation of working people.
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