Metanoia and Ahimsa: Inputs in Inter-Religious Dialogue Between the Catholic Church and Jainism
bracketing, change of heart, non-violence, moksha, UNSDGAbstract
The study aims to unlock metanoia and Ahimsa as fundamental doctrines of Christianity and Jainism, respectively, that can bring harmony and peace through their character of inclusivity and listening. These are also important traits to achieve the goals of UNSDG that facilitated total human development in various spheres of life. Metanoia is an all-embracing Christian concept about change of heart, while Ahimsa is a Jainist doctrine on non-violence and causing no harm to any life form. In interreligious dialogue, their inputs open doors for transforming potentials that can address issues in achieving sustainable development. Husserl’s phenomenological framework aids in finding meeting points that can bridge different religious strands. His phenomenological approach provides listening and suspension of judgments to bridge and deepen meaningful encounters. The research contends that both Catholicism and Jainism quest for spiritual liberation as a goal. Christianity adheres that metanoia is a way to achieve that where, through change of heart, it brings individuals to nothingness, shown in the unconditional love exemplified by Jesus on the cross. Jainism meets this view where ahimsa is the foundational principle in achieving spiritual liberation. Ahimsa goes with the other two pillars, namely, anekanta (multiplicity of viewpoints) and aparigraha (non-possession as lifestyle). Christianity and Jainism intersected in their aspirations for well-being and total liberation. Both agreed that human beings need to purify through righteous actions or positive karma. Aside from the e-library method, the research engaged in actual research collaboration with Jainist scholars that deepened the study. Through inclusivity and integration of common areas for social welfare achieved in inter-religious dialogue, the church’s agenda of synodality is facilitated.
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