The Correlation of Workplace Spirituality and Work Engagement among Faculty of the Senior High School of San Beda University- Manila
workplace spirituality, work engagement, education, meaning, values, communityAbstract
This study aimed to establish the degree of correlation of workplace spirituality and work engagement among the faculty of the Senior High School (SHS) of San Beda University–Manila. The correlational design was utilized to ascertain if there is a relationship existing between workplace spirituality (independent variable) and work engagement (dependent variable). The workplace components presented in the study are meaningful work, a sense of community, and alignment with organizational values. Work engagement was studied based on vigor, dedication, and absorption. Data were obtained through questionnaires that were sent to target respondents. The findings of the study established that there is a positive correlation between workplace spirituality and work engagement. The paper concluded with several implications and recommendations that will strengthen the workplace spirituality of faculty members that will benefit both the employee and the organization. The study also provided some suggestions for future researchers that will examine workplace spirituality in other industries.
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