Impact of the COVID-19 Pandemic on the Life of Faculty Teaching in Universities
COVID -19, Braun-Clarke approach to thematic analysis, Academic-socio-emotional support programAbstract
COVID-19 has greatly affected the education sector compelling educators to adapt to online teaching and platforms quite abruptly. Thus, this study aims to determine the impact of this pandemic on the life of college faculty and its consequences on their social, emotional, and personal aspects due to the transition from physical classes to online lectures and design a support program to help reframe and alleviate its impacts. This is a descriptive study using a convergent mixed methods design. Employing a snowball sampling technique, a modified web-based global questionnaire that is divided into 7 sections, was administered via Google forms. With the use of SPSS v. 23, results showed from 81 respondents in 37 universities that despite the limited time and resources in the preparation, the faculty displayed an adaptive behavior. Remarkably, the narratives related impacts of emergency remote education on personal life circumstances more than what the figures showed in the statistical analysis. Three important words emerged with ambivalent themes as the general views on COVID -19 as generated by NVivo QSR: life, time and changes. Using Braun-Clarke approach to thematic analysis, the narratives also evoked that spirituality and emotions play a significant role in coping. The support program was designed with the academic, social and emotional aspects in the key result areas with proposed program and activities such as educational policy on the pedagogy of care, continuing digital literacy program, social support elements of emotional concern, instrumental aid, appraisal, virtual socialization and also conduct of webinars, workshop series and fellowship as coping mechanisms.
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