On Laudato Si’: Articulation of its Message and the SVD’s Response
Laudato Si’, encyclical, see-judge-act, Gospel of Creation, SVD Farm, ecological crisis, ecological conversionAbstract
“Laudato Si, mi’ Signore” is a papal encyclical written by Pope Francis and published on May 24, 2015. Intended for all the people, the Holy Father discussed the state of the planet Earth, our common home, and his concern for our future and the future of the coming generations. The document dealt with environmental concerns grounded on theological and spiritual principles. The aim of this paper is to articulate the message of the document and propose how the encyclical can be of use in mitigating global concerns about environmental degradation. This research paper used the “see-judge-act” method to do a theological reflection. For the “see” part, researchers brought to light the nation's current state of the environment of Laudato Si’ in the Philippines. For the “judge” part, researchers discussed pieces of literature that articulated the encyclical, particularly focusing on the “Gospel of Creation.” Finally, for the “act” part, the researchers featured the SVD Laudato Si’ Farm of the SVD (Societas Verbi Divini) priests, brothers, and missionaries in Tagaytay City as a concrete expression of their response to the challenges of Pope Francis’ Laudato Si’. The research paper concluded with recommendations for urgent actions, that is, ecological conversion – an encounter with Jesus that leads to meaningful communion with God, other people, and nature. It confronts us to live Laudato Si’ and embrace it as life’s spirituality.
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