“Going beyond the margin” work ecology model: A Filipino representation of gay instructional leaders in basic education
There has been an abundance of foreign studies on queer leadership in schools, but significantly fewer in the country. This study was initiated for this very purpose: to have a vivid description of who the Filipino gay instructional leader is as embodied in his/her work ecology model. Through the use of grounded theory, the inclusion criteria were employed to ensure a thorough exploration of the experiences of seven (7) gay instructional leaders in leading their units. The leaders were selected using theoretical sampling to develop categories that explain the specific phenomenon and form a rich and nuanced theory. Throughout the process, the researcher considered theoretical sensitivity, purposeful sampling techniques, constant comparison, theoretical saturation, and flexibility in data collection and analysis. Queer leadership, as was grounded in the data collected, meant being challenged by the culture of heteronormative leadership in the country, which includes (but is not limited to) encountering pressure to conform to traditional gender roles, navigating toxic work environments, and facing gender stereotyping and biased treatment. Further, Filipino gay instructional leaders are distinguished in their PRIDE qualities-- Passion, Resilience, Inclusivity, Diversified Role as a Leader, and Empowering Others. These qualities help them to serve and lead schools effectively. The "Going Beyond the Margin" work ecology model, created using these same grounded qualities of a Filipino gay leader, is centered on inclusivity and symbolizes the progress made by these leaders toward achieving complete acceptance and acknowledgment of what they can contribute. However, there remain some individual and systemic issues in leadership that the Filipino gay leader continues to traverse.
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