Role of Eco-spirituality in Psychological Well-Being of Selected Working Women
ecospirituality, nature connectedness, psychological well-being, mental health, working womenAbstract
This study intended to determine the role of ecospirituality in the psychological well-being of selected working women in Metro Manila; thus, casual research design as well as a cross-sectional survey were utilized in this study. Moreover, this study aimed to identify the level of ecospirituality and psychological well-being of the participants. A total of 574 working women in Metro Manila were conveniently selected. They participated and voluntarily answered the survey questionnaires, such as the Ecospirituality Scale and the Psychological Well-being Scale. The Ecospirituality Scale measures emotional and spiritual states about nature and has five aspects such as dwelling, caring, revering, experiencing, and relating. Moreover, the Psychological Well-being Scale measured six aspects of wellbeing and happiness, such as autonomy, environmental mastery, personal growth, positive relations with others, purpose in life, and self-acceptance. Findings revealed that working women were low in dwelling, caring, revering, experiencing, and relating the same as with psychological well-being in terms of personal growth and personal relations with others. On the other hand, they were high in psychological well-being as to autonomy, environmental mastery, purpose in life, and self-acceptance. Findings also revealed that ecospirituality in terms of caring predicts psychological well-being as to autonomy and personal relations with others. Likewise, ecospirituality in terms of dwelling predicts environmental mastery. Further, ecospirituality in terms of relating predicts psychological well-being as to personal growth, personal relations with others, and purpose in life. On the other hand, all aspects of ecospirituality do not predict psychological well-being as to self-acceptance. It can be concluded that working women’s life fulfillment and happiness were influenced by their spiritual connection with nature; hence, the need to design an employee development program focused on ecopsychology was recommended.
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